Lenten Suppers Weekly RSVP

Please fill out this form and click submit.

Join us for the five Wednesdays of Lent:

February 21, 28; March 6, 13, and 20.

A vegetarian meal (no dessert) will be provided each week on Wednesdays beginning at promptly at 5:30PM. At 6:15PM we will break into two different groups: Ages 9+ and Children 8 and under for a time of teaching and age appropriate breakout sessions.

Suggested donation per person/per meal is $2.00. An offering basket to accept cash will be available.

Please help us know how much food to prepare by filling out the form below EVERY THURSDAY!

RSVP's must be submitted by the end of the day on Fridays.

Continue below to RSVP for Wednesday, March 20th!


At 6PM it will be all hands on deck to tidy up the parish hall before switching to a time of teaching. Please create a team spirit with everyone sitting at your table to make quick and more enjoyable work. Thank you in advance!

Some help is still needed for set-up, clean-up, and food prep!
If you can help with set-up, end of night clean-up, or tuesday morning salad/bread prep please let me know!




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